Where Customization Begins 

  • Sometimes it is better to walk away.

  • The boiler room is where any disputes go down! Got something to bitch about? Do it here.
The boiler room is where any disputes go down! Got something to bitch about? Do it here.
 #7755  by Rangerixxi
 16 Jun 2010, 11:37
Sorry for the absence on the board but we are officially moving off the base next Friday and for the past three weeks it has been one thing after another.

I get a new SGM who decided that because he is prior infantry, that my little unit is a front line unit which it is not. So after the 4th IG complaint I had to sit him down and have a talk. He is a whopping 5 years older than me and forgets that an O-5 outranks an E-9. So after the second time of having to lock him up in the position of attention I had him reassigned.

So just after that stops, the entire base gets hit with a nice pneumonia and bronchitis mixture that took me out for a week. Did I mention I have to move next week? LOL.

Yesterday I felt good and even though it is hot as heck here. Was 103 with the heat index. I decide to take the family to Army birthday celebration on base. They have rides and games and so on. When I get a nice, moron deciding that his daughter is too precious to wait in the line and wanted to jump in front of my daughter. After explaining this to him he became enraged and shoved me with both hands. I felt so bad as I had him on the ground with his own arm wrapped around his own neck choking him almost until he passed out. Luckily there were witnesses and it was nice to have his base privileges revoked. Some people's thought process is mind boggling considering he is all but 5'5" tall and about 100 pounds.

So I am now enjoying a moment of tranquility now that I was able to get all of that out. I guess moving has put me on edge lately. Rant over. LOL.
 #7756  by Angel
 16 Jun 2010, 14:20
What a life you lead. If that guy who pushed line was from the UK everyone would have taken one step backward and tutted.
 #7778  by Rangerixxi
 16 Jun 2010, 19:05
BigB » 16 Jun 2010, 10:20 wrote:What a life you lead. If that guy who pushed line was from the UK everyone would have taken one step backward and tutted.

LOL yeah Big it has been an interesting year so far. Luckily we are moving into more civilized part of the state of Georgia. Downtown Atlanta is a mess.

I think I am being punished somehow for all of the lives I had to take while in uniform. I think I just ended up at the wrong base at the wrong time. But we are moving next week Big and I will be able to dedicate more time to being active on the board.

I have mapped out an idea for an OS so I will be getting to work on that one soon. If it works out well I will try the other one I want to build also.

Sorry Big, did not mean to bring the board down!