Where Customization Begins 

  • Newage-Os Desktop sidebar gadget?

  • Here's where to suggest improvements, changes, policies, anything else of which you feel the need to unburden yourself.
Here's where to suggest improvements, changes, policies, anything else of which you feel the need to unburden yourself.
 #15851  by xXT3KXx
 11 Apr 2011, 23:51
just thought to myself that it be cool to have a desktop gadget for newage ie newsfeed mabee a donate button i dunno........... just a thought id throw out there :thinking: :humk:
 #15852  by Giin70
 11 Apr 2011, 23:52
This thought has crossed my mind about 20 times cause i like the Chronix radio gadget and a couple others. Not sure if anyone here can make one or not though. I know where was a toolbar for firefox for here though