Where Customization Begins 

  • Christmas 2013 Wish List

  • Win friends, influence people, have a beer and chat about whatever drifts across the transom of your mind. This is the forum for random nonsense.
Win friends, influence people, have a beer and chat about whatever drifts across the transom of your mind. This is the forum for random nonsense.
 #28860  by Angel
 08 Dec 2013, 18:32
Christmas 2013 Wish List

What are Tweakscene users hoping to get under their tree this year?

I would really like an Xbox One with "Killer Instinct". A proper game that isn't "Call of Duty" or "Battlefeild". Probably just get socks as normal lol.
 #28861  by Shaneee
 09 Dec 2013, 00:22
Wouldn't mind the Xbox One but think I will wait till some of the bugs are ironed out first. Would like some new PC components to play about with also need an upgrade lol.

But as BigB says, Probably get socks.
 #28862  by Rammstein874
 09 Dec 2013, 05:47
You guys are asking for the wrong system...Ps4 all the way! I got one and its great!
 #28867  by Giin70
 09 Dec 2013, 20:41
Topping my list is more time mainly , but these items would be super useful for my business

ipad air
new mac pro
ipad mini with retina display

things i would like personally, maybe bluetooth headphones and bluetooth speakers, samsung galaxy tab 3 10.1.