Where Customization Begins 

  • linux / windows?

  • Read that again. You didn't win anything, you just crashed it! Are you in trouble with your hardware, software or you just crashed your system? Then this is the section you are looking for.
Read that again. You didn't win anything, you just crashed it! Are you in trouble with your hardware, software or you just crashed your system? Then this is the section you are looking for.
 #10905  by vash543
 19 Oct 2010, 06:07
OK i just had a PC given to me so i was wondering what os uses the least amount of ram i want it to scream but it only has 1gb ram and if it's Linux is there a program other than wine to run lets say a wifi adapter i have used wine before but for some reason i don't care for it :thinking: thanks in advance
 #10907  by panda24
 19 Oct 2010, 11:59
hey bro all these modded w7 here they will run on it check the newage os section
 #19537  by rebelde
 24 Sep 2011, 14:47
hi linux will be more efficient than windows on a 1gig of ram.if you look on the graphics section you see my post of my future release.every image gets tested it in virtual box using 512 megs of ram and runs perfectly also will release a lite version for netbooks.all my builts are ready to run out of the box.as my goals is to provide a complete os and great experience for the masses.rebelde